9 avr. 2016

☄♪ BugLug release new maxi single & LIVE DVD

It is announced at BugLug one-man live "GO TO SICKS" at Hibiya Yagai Ongakudou at 2016/04/09 that their new maxi single (title not yet finalized) will be released at 2016/08/10, although details have not yet been announced.

Their LIVE DVD "GO TO SICKS" will be released at 2016/09/04, which will include scene of that one-man live at 2016/04/09.

Their documentary DVD "47都道府県TOUR「GAMBLING JAPAN」DOCUMENT MOVIE「MASTER OF JAPAN」" will be released at 2016/06/01, which will include documentary of their 5th anniversary live tour "GAMBLING JAPAN".

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